Day: May 22, 2020

La Nina signals grow – implications

The TROPAC is cooling.





See what is left of the warmth is surfacing.


Models see a trend to La Nina.




That spells trouble for the Atlantic basin and the coastline as per the WB forecast.


Especially if the AMO stays warm as it was last month.


If La Nina blossoms by the late summer/fall peak season, there will be trouble for the Gulf AND the east coast as per the WB forecast. See the high impact storms in La Nina years with warm Atlantics.


Joe Bastardi’s detailed May update which I am in full agreement with is here.


It is also in good agreement now with our friends at NHC in inter forecast this past few days.


La Nina makes the entire east coast vulnerable. Recent rains in the southeast may be telegraphing that.

We did a series on Preparing for the Inevitable for the local cable channel.

In the first two parts of the series, I was joined by Joe Bastardi, his dad Matt, son Garrett, Herb Stevens and meteorologist and storm chaser Ron Moore, we discussed major historical events for the country but especially the region (hurricane of ’38, Carol). Matt was in both the ’38 storm as boy in Providence and was also in Carol. I almost lost my life in Carol as a small boy in a vacation rental on LI Sound.

Part I:


Part II

Part III featured an intro called Hurricane Strong with Rick Knabb (TWC, NHC and FLASH) and Leslie Chapman Henderson President and CEO of FLASH. Then Leslie joined Ron Moore and I to discuss preparedness – the steps we should take in advance to ensure we minimize the potential damages and losses when the inevitable happens. It is too late to take action when watches and warnings are issued.


Part III

Part IV

In part IV I was joined by Ron Moore with examples of steps that homeowners can take to mitigate damage to their homes and allow you to survive long power outages.


If you live along the coast anywhere, while you are hunkering down at home during the Corona threat, we hope the series provides food for thought as to what you can do NOW (or after the threat passes) to ensure you are ready for the next hurricane.

Nobody want to sit in the dark and cold late next fall and winter after staying confined for the spring not to ignore the damages incurred.